What’s the selling process like?
We always aim to please our cutomers and work hard to be the best on a daily basis.
Sell your home with us and receive the most efficient quality service:
Step 1. Meeting with an agent at your property
First, we’ll arrange for an agent to view your home and help you decide on the market value/price of the property. We’ll give you information about how we work & our commissions.
We’ll need:
- You to sign a sale authoration document, where the agency’s conditions are displayed.
- We’ll ask you for some paperwork to have everything we need for the sale and to have the information readily available for the potential buyers: IBI (SUMA) bill, community fees (if it applies) & community administrator contact details, water & electricity bills, the deeds and your energy certificate (if you have it).
- If you don’t live in the property, we’ll also need a spare set of keys for the viewings.
Step 2. Professional Photo-Reportage
Next we’ll make an appointment with you to take professional photographs and some videos of your property. The photos and videos will be edited at the office to improve colour, lighting, etc.
Step 3. Let’s get the buyer’s attention!
We’ll market & invest in your property on leading national & international property portals, on our website and on social media. This will make your property visible and get the buyers’ attention.
You’ll get updates from your agent from time to time regarding your property’s statistics. We’ll let you know how the sale going.
Step 4. Offer & Negotiation
Once a buyer is interested in your property, we’ll make a formal offer document for them to sign where they will present you with an offer. They will also leave the agency a deposit of 1000€ to show you that their offer is serious. If you accept the offer and they decide not to buy your property, they will lose the deposit, so only serious offers come across.
Step 5. Contract Signing & Deposit into your account
Once an agreement is reached regarding the price and the terms & conditions of the sale, a Deposit/Reservation contract will be made. Both parties will be required to sign it. After it’s signed, the buyers will transfer 10% of the value of your property into your account, in order to reserve the property.
Step 6. Notary signing – Congratulations on your sale!
After we’ve helped both parties prepare everything that’s needed for the sale (mortages, energy certificates, notary appointments, etc), we’re ready to make an appointment at the notary to sign over the property.
At the notary the property will be signed over to the new owner and you will receive a cheque for the remaining 90% due quantity of the agreed sale price. You’ll also hand over the keys at this time. You’ve now sold your property!
Important points for Sellers:
- Regardless of whether you live in your property or not, we’ll always let you know when there is going to be a viewing beforehand.
- Sellers have to pay the “plusvalía tax” when selling a property – We’ll arange this for you.
- Check with your financial advisor what other taxes you may be subject to when receiving the income from the sale, since you may have to pay “IRPF tax” when making your “declaración de la renta”, a yearly income statement.
- We’ll walk you and the buyer through the sale process and we’ll deal with all the paperwork directly related to the sale for you – from start to end!
For any additional details or questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!